NB! Dokumentasjonen på dette nettstedet er for en løsning som skal avvikles innen juni 2026. Dokumentasjon for ny løsning finner du her.


Feilkoder i Altinn.

FeilkodeBeskrivelse (eng)
Common Error Codes 1 – 1000
GeneralError0Denotes a general error
NullObjectReference1Denotes an error caused by a null reference
MissingRight14Authorization error - Subject does not have required right
HookActivationFailed90Error given when hook activation fails
IncorrectLevel17User is not authenticated on the correct level
RequiresLevel118Requires level 1
RequiresLevel219Requires level 2
RequiresLevel320Requires level 3
RequiresLevel421Requires level 4
ExternalSystemAuthentication989External system authentication failed
Common Error Codes 10000 - 20000
AccessDenied10000Database error - Access denied
Hook Error Codes 20001 - 21000
ServiceCannotBeStarted20001Hook error - Service cannot be started
ServiceCannotBeStartedForCurrentReporte20002Hook error - Service cannot be started for the current reportee
TUL Error Codes 21001 - 23000
ServiceEditionCodeAlreadyExists21001TUL Error - Service edition code exists already
FileNotFound21002TUL Error - File not found
DataAreaTypeNotFound21003TUL Error - Data area type not found
RootNodeNotFound21004TUL Error - Root node not found
DoesNotExists21005TUL Error - (something) does not exist
NotImpersonatedOrAuthorised21006TUL Error - User is not impersonated or authorized
EntrySiteDoesNotExists21007TUL Error - Entry site does not exist
IDZeroORNegative21008TUL Error - ID is zero or negative
ServiceEditionInProduction21009TUL Error - Service edition is already in production
RequiredFieldNotSupplied21010TUL Error - Required field is not supplied
CannotBeNull21011TUL Error - (something) cannot be null
UserNotAuthorized21012TUL Error - User is not authorized
IncorrectClientConfiguration21013TUL Error - Incorrect client configuration
IncorrecctArguement21014TUL Error - Incorrect argument
GetDeploymentPackagesFailed21015TUL Error - GetDeploymentPackages failed
GetDeploymentPackageFailed21016TUL Error - GetDeploymentPackage failed
ServiceEditionValidationFailed21017TUL Error - Service edition validation failed
DeploymentPackageCreationFailed21018TUL Error - Deployment package creation failed
ServiceEditionMigrationFailed21019TUL Error - Service edition migration failed
UnableToReachSBLService21020TUL Error - Unable to reach SBL service
CallToSBLWCFOperationFailed21021TUL Error - Call to SBL WCF operation failed
UnexpectedErrorDuringMigration21022TUL Error - Unexpected error during migration
ValueNotDefinedInEnum21023TUL Error - Value is not defined in enum
BEObjectCannotBeNull21024TUL Error - Business Entity object cannot be null
XsdNotFoundOrXsnNotUploaded22985TUL Error - XSD not found or XSN not uploaded
ServiceDoesNotExist22986TUL Error - Service does not exist
ServiceHasAlreadyBeenDeleted22987TUL Error - Service has already been deleted
ServiceEditionHasAlreadyBeenDeleted22988TUL Error - Service edition has already been deleted
ServiceEditionHasBeenDeleted22989TUL Error - Service edition has been deleted
ServiceHasBeenDeleted22990TUL Error - Service has been deleted
ServiceOwnerUrlAlreadyExists22991TUL Error - Service owner URL already exists
UserDoesNotHaveRightsToCreateSites22992TUL Error - User does not have rights to create sites
UnexpectedErrorInRetrievingGuid22993TUL Error - Unexpected error in retrieving GUID
DataRetrievalFailed22994TUL Error - Data retrieval failed
UnexpectedErrorInSettingStatus22995TUL Error - Unexpected error in setting status
SiteCreationFailed22996TUL Error - Site creation failed
SuppliedGuidIsNullOrEmpty22997TUL Error - Supplied GUID is null or empty
DuplicateXsdInFormSet22998TUL Error - Duplicate XSD in formset
ServiceShortNameExists22999TUL Error - Service short name already exists
ServiceEditionShortNameAlreadyExists21025TUL Error - Service edition short name already exists
ServiceCodeAlreadyExists21026TUL Error - Service code already exists
SpecificationDataMissing21027TUL Error - Specification data missing
NoAuthorizationRulesDefined21028TUL Error - No authorization rules have been defined for this service edition.
RoleNameAreadyExists21029TUL Error - No authorization rules have been defined for this service edition.
SBLOperationTimedOut21030TUL Error - Migration timed out
Integration Error Codes 30001 - 31000
NotAuthorizedForReportee30001Integration error - Not authorized for reportee
NotAuthorizedForSignature30002Integration error - Not authorized for signature
NotAValidService30003Integration error - Not a valid service
ArgumentNullException30004Integration error - Argument is null
NotAValidServiceOwnerCode30005Integration error - Not a valid service owner code
InValidServiceEditionVersion30006Integration error - Invalid service edition version
FileNotExist30007Integration error - File does not exist
SBL External Error Codes 40001 - 41000
LanguageCodeCannotBeNull40001SBL External error - Language code cannot be null
MessageBodyCannotBeNull40002SBL External error - Message body cannot be null
MessageTitleCannotBeNull40003SBL External error - Message title cannot be null
MessageSummaryCannotBeNull40004SBL External error - Message summary cannot be null
ExternalReferenceCannotBeNull40005SBL External error - External reference cannot be null
ExternalServiceCodeCannotBeNull40006SBL External error - External service code cannot be null
ReporteeCannotBeNull40007SBL External error - Reportee cannot be null
SystemUserCodeCannotBeNull40008SBL External error - System user code cannot be null
CorrespondenceCanNotBeDeleted40009SBL External error - Correspondence cannot be deleted
ElementCanNotBeDeleted40010SBL External error - Element cannot be deleted
PersonHasStrictlyConfidentialAddress40011SBL External error - Person has strictly confidential address
FormDataIsNotValid40012SBL External error - Form data is not valid
ServiceIsNotValid40013SBL External error - Service is not valid
InValidNumberOfReceipents40014SBL External error - Invalid number of receipients
InvalidFormatSmsAndEmail40015SBL External error - Invalid SMS
InvalidSSN40016SBL External error - Invalid SSN
ReceiverAddressNull40017No receiver address
ControlWorkflowSentComplete40018Control Workflow Sent Complete
InvalidServiceType40019Invalid Service Type
InvalidEmailAddressForFromAddress40020The From Address must be skipped or contain a valid email address.
Authorization Error Codes 50001 - 51000
DelegateRolesBEInputInvalid50001This error code is used when the party a user wants to delegate a role or right to, does not exist.
GeoLocationIsMandatory50002This is used when geo location has not been supplied
InvalidGeoLocation50003This is used when geo location format is not correct
CoveredByUserIDRequired50004This is used when delegation type is SSN,UserName and CoveredByUserID has not been supplied
CoveredByPartyIDRequired50005This is used when delegation type is Organization and CoveredByPartyID has not been supplied
CannotDelegateToEnterpriseCertifiedUser50006This is used when roles or rights of an enterprise/user not represented by an enterprise certified user is being delegated to an enterprise certified user.
CannotDelegateANonDelegatableRole50007This is used when someone is trying to delegate a non-delegatable role
InvalidOrgNumber50008When the OrgNo is not proper or does not exist
InvalidUserDetails50009When the SSN or Last Name or UserName are not valid or a user with the combination does not exist
UserDoesNotHaveProfessionalConsent50010When user does not have professional consent
InvalidGeoLocationFormat50011Geo location is in incorrect format
CannotDelegateDenyOnOtherResources50012Cannot delegate Deny type right on resources other than reporteeElement.
RoleTypeNameNotUnique50013RoleTypeName is not unique
RoleTypeBeenDelegated50014RoleType has been Delegated
SelfDelegationIsNotAllowed50017Delegation to self is not allowed
Collaboration Service Error Codes 60001 - 70001
InvalidCaseID60001Invalid Case ID
InvalidCaseIdentifier60002Invalid Service Code and Service Edition Code Combination and Invalid CaseID
InvalidLanguage60003Invalid Language ID
ExceededCharacterLimit60004Character Limit Exceeded.
InvalidReporteeElement60005Invalid Reportee Element
UnarchivedCorrespondenceException60006For correspondences services which have not been archived
UnarchivedReportingServicesException60007For Form Task services which have not been archived
ReporteeElementInAnotherCase60008For Reportee element is already associated to another case
InvalidServiceInCollaborationServiceSet60009For A Service, not available in Collaboration Service Set
InvalidReporteeID60010Invalid Reportee ID
InvalidNoticeTemplateID60011Invalid NoticeTemplateID
InvalidReporteeNumber60012Mandatory ReporteeNumber
ArchivedOrDeletedCaseID60013Case is already archived or deleted
ArchivedCaseID60014Case is archived.So no processing allowed.
DeletedCaseID60015Case is Deleted. So no processing allowed.
InvalidElement60016The element is unavailable.
UnassociatedElement60017The element is not associated with any Case.
DeletedElement60018The element is deleted.
ArchivedElement60019The element is archived.
InvalidNoticeTokenID60020Invalid notice Token
InvalidNoticeTokenValue60021Invalid notice Token Value
InvalidEventIdentifier60022Invalid Event Identifiers
InvalidEventName60023Invalid Event Name
UnauthorizedServiceOwner60024Service Owner is unauthorized
MissingNoticeTokens60025Missing Notice Tokens
WorkFlowValidationException60026Received WorkFlow Exception
WorkFlowInitiationException60027Workflow Initiation Exception
MissingWorkflowInstance60028Missing Workflow Instance
WorkFlowGenericException60029WorkFlow Generic Exception
EventDeliveryFailed60030Event Delivery Failed
MissingEventName60031Missing Event Name
UnavailableStateMachineEvents60032Unavailable State Machine Events
SMDI Error Codes - 70001 - 80001
IncorrectService70001Incorrect service details
IncorrectWorkFlow70002Incorrect process work flow details
IncorrectServiceEditionVersion70003Incorrect Service Edition Version details
IncorrectEventHook70004Incorrect Event Hook details
IncorrectReportingService70005Incorrect Reporting Service details
IncorrectCorrespondenceService70006Incorrect Correspondence Service details
IncorrectLookupService70007Incorrect Lookup Service details
IncorrectCollaborationReUse70008Incorrect Collaboration Service - ReUseData details
IncorrectFormset70009Incorrect Form Set details
IncorrectLogicalForm70010Incorrect Form Set details
IncorrectSplitData70011Incorrect Split of data details
IncorrectTranslation70012Incorrect Translation details
IncorrectDeployForm70013Incorrect FormTemplate uploaded
IncorrectSecurity70014Incorrect Roles & Rights details
IncorrectCollaborationServices70015Incorrect Collaboration Service - ServicesInCollaboration details
IncorrectCollaborationStateMachine70016Incorrect Collaboration Service - StateMachine details
IncorrectStyleSheet70017Incorrect StyleSheet details
IncorrectPIImages70018Incorrect StyleSheet - Images details
IncorrectPI70019Incorrect PI details