Altinn 3 Broker Metadata - backup ()
Altinn 3 Broker Metadata - backup
File checksum
File expiryTime
File fileId
File filesize
File fileName
File created
File additionalFileMetadata
File providerId
File fileLocation (url)
stored at File FileStore
File Transfer transferStatus
File Transfer transferID
File Transfer provider
File Transfer consumers
File Transfer transferStatusChanged
File Transfer transferStatusHistory
File Transfer correlationId
has (1) File Transfer File
has (1) File Transfer Provider
File Transfer messageTypeId
is categorized by File Transfer Message type
has (n) File Transfer Consumer
Upload Process uploadStream
Upload Process uploadStatus
Upload Process providerId
Upload Process upnloadStatusHistory
Upload Process fileId
uploads (1) Upload Process File
Upload Process transferID
realizes (1) Upload Process File Transfer
Upload Process Provider
Download Process downloadStatusHistory
Download Process downloadStatus
Download Process downloadStream
Download Process consumerId
Download Process fileId
downloads (1) Download Process File
Download Process transferID
realizes (1) Download Process File Transfer
Download Process Consumer
Provider providerId
specializes Provider Actor
Consumer consumerId
specializes Consumer Actor
stores FileStore File
FileStore fileStoreeId
FileStore storageProvider
File Transfer Event notificationId
File Transfer Event transferID
associated to (1) File Transfer Event File Transfer
File Transfer Event Event type
Event Subscription subscriptionId
Event Subscription serviceId
Event Subscription actorId
Event Subscription Event type
Actor actorId
subscribes to (n) Actor Event Subscription
Message type messageTypeId
Message type Altinn Service
Altinn Service serviceId
Event type Altinn Service